Our Staff


Welcome to Best Senior Care Center

A team you can trust and rely on

Our staff selection is solely based upon their suitability for the Service User. It is our utmost importance that they understand the unique needs and preferences of our Service Users and have the unwavering dedication and ability to perform the job well. We take pride in our rigorous screening process, which ensures that each staff member is not only experienced and qualified, but also compassionate and committed to providing the highest level of care. With our commitment to served a person centered care, we prioritized service over profit.

We Welcome Diversity and Equality

By embracing diversity and promoting equality, we create a more harmonious and productive environment where every staff feels acknowledged and included. This, in turn, leads to better decision-making, increased innovation, and more compassionate outlook in our interactions with others. Furthermore, good equality and diversity practices help reduce discrimination, and social exclusion making our staff more connected. These practices ensure that people are treated equally with dignity and respect they deserve fostering an inclusive environment where everyone’s unique perspectives and experiences are valued and celebrated.

Maintaining Care Packages

It's essential to ensure that the individual's needs are met and that the care provided is of the highest quality.

Writing up Risk Assessments and Care Plans that Reflects Person-Centred Care

This approach ensures that the individual's unique needs, preferences, and goals are prioritized and respected throughout the entire process.

Holding Regular Reviews

Ensuring that Service Users receive consistent, high-quality care that is tailored to their specific needs and circumstances.

Holding Multi-Disciplinary meetings

Fostering communication, encourage creativity, and promotes more comprehensive understanding to the challenges being faced by the company.

Take Care of Our Staff Who In Return Will Take Care of our Interest

Invest in the staff’s well-being, providing them opportunities for growth that fosters positive work environment.

Well Paid Staff is Our Policy

Providing competitive compensation for our employees is essential for maintaining a happy, productive, and successful working environment.

Diversity and Equality is our Policy

Promoting inclusivity and fairness in the workplace

What do you do with new staffs?

New staffs training

New employees are inducted to national training organisation standard within three months of employment. We manage and train our staff with the aim to achieve minimum of NVQ Level 2 for example Health and Safety, Moving and Handling, Fire awareness and procedures, safeguarding adults, food Hygiene and a range of other training.

Resident care

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Hospice Care

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Caring Staff

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Our Service LIst

Types Of Care