Supported Live In


Nursing Staff


Senior Doctors


Happy Couples

Services We Provide

We adhere Right Support, Right Care, Right Culture guidance and comply with the national policy and best practice approach. Our model of care and setting maximizes people’s choice, control and independence. The care we deliver is person-centered and promotes people’s dignity, privacy and human rights.

  • Care from home health aides
  • Distribution patterns may not be
  • Medical social services
  • Homemaker or basic assistance care
  • Different types of health care services
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Expectation Care Limited would be addressing the needs for the following children between the ages of 13-17(Children) and 18-25 ( Young Adults)

Level 1

Children  aged 13-17 and Young Adults 18-25 with learning disability, autism or at risk of developing mental health conditions such as anxiety , depression or having personality disorder.

Level 2

Children  aged 13-17 and Young Adults 18-25 with severe learning disability , autism or display or are at risks of developing aggressive behaviour, not related  to mental illness. (Examples are those with neuro-developmental syndrome which does increase from a behaviour that challenges.)

Level 3

Children aged 13-17 and Young Adults 18-25 with learning disability, autism or display or are at risks of developing risky behaviour  which may put themselves and others at risks. (Examples are fire setting, assault (physical, emotional or sexual)