End Of Life (EOL)


People who are approaching the end of their life are also entitled to a high quality of care. Expectation care aims to provide the highest quality of care deserved. Our determination is to make sure every last moment of their life is spent with dignity including when they pass away. Not only will we support them, but will also support their family and loved ones too. End of life is an important part of our service for people who are nearing the end of their life or who are considered to be in the last years of their life. We care for our service users with


Nursing Staff


Senior Doctors


Happy Couples
  • Advanced Illness
  • Progressive Illness
  • Incurable IllnessOur services help our service users to live as well as possible until they pass on.We aim to provide support in the areas of
  • Social
  • Practical (Advanced Daily Living)
  • Psychological
  • Spiritual (where needed)

to manage the pain and effect EOL has on our service users. Also part of our service is to encourage our service users to express their wishes for example the type of care, location of care and duration of care and for loved ones to also take part in decision making (according to the wishes of the user) Because of the sensitive nature of this type of care, service users care plan will be reviewed regularly to immediately update any changes. Users wishes : where the service user has medically been declared incapable of making decisions we will deal with the person who has power of attorney for medical and everyday decision.

  • Care from home health aides
  • Distribution patterns may not be
  • Medical social services
  • Homemaker or basic assistance care
  • Different types of health care services
  • Suspe ndisse suscit sagittis leo

Ultimate Service Provider

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Caring Staff

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Hospice Care

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Frequently Asked Questions

Bring to the table win survival strategies?
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The 6 steps of End Of Life:

Step :1 Discussion as the end od life approaches

Advanced care planning including preferred priorities for care will be created. Service users, loved ones (by users wish only) and staff to take part in the care plan in order to meet the highest quality of care.

Step:2 Care plan will be accessed and reviewed

Individual regular reviews of user`s needs and preferences are assessed, acted on and reviewed.

Step:3 Co-ordination of care.

Details of Health care services (GP, Ambulance, other carers) local council services and other details will be noted for effective co-ordination.

Step:4 Delivery of high quality service

With an agreed advance care plan in place, the tailor made high quality service will be delivered with compassion, love and sensitivity.

Step:6 Care after death

After the passing of our service user, the family members, friends and loved ones will be supported in the bereavement process until our service is no longer needed.